You've probably already heard about this delicious beverage that has been the must-do drink during quarantine, but just in case you haven't tried it out for yourself yet, here it is! I love to make it after Fi and I have gone for our morning run and it's fun to make so Fi likes to help me!
All you'll need is:
Instant coffee (I prefer Starbucks Pike Place Instant Coffee)
Hot Water
Any flavored syrup you might prefer
Milk- whichever type you prefer
Fi will now instruct you on what to do:
1. Add 2 tbsp instant coffee (or one packet sticks instant coffee), 2tbsp sugar, 2tbsp hot water into a bowl.

2. Whisk for 15-20 minutes until mixture becomes merengue like and doesn't drip. Alternatively, you can use a hand mixer for 4-5 to get the same results.

The pic above was about halfway through.
3. Fill glass with ice, any flavoring you may want to add, and milk.

4. Spoon coffee merengue onto top of milk and enjoy your fluffy coffee! I usually use a straw because the merengue is too think at first.

5. Make your child a glass of milk with a tiny dollop of coffee so they feel grown up too. Fi prefers just a plain milk but let me put a dollop on hers for a picture.

Voila! Easy and fun plus it provides me with the caffeine I need to make it through another day of homeschooling. Haha! I'm partially kidding. Try it out and let me know what you think!
Definitely trying this ASAP!